About US


       This First Started as a hobby when I moved on my own to a one bedroom apartment in Mebane, North Carolina. I remember going to Wal-Mart and buying out all the mango and tangerine candles they had, I was obsessed, until I saw a video of someone making their candles at home. At that time I had just adopted two fur babies Ray & Harvey. Ray who was a Semi-feral Cat according to her foster could not be touched or held and Harvey was the complete opposite. a clingy baby I'd call him. Surely enough I made it my priority to win this beautiful girls soul and I made it my mission for her to love a human again. (:

       As the months went by I won this fur baby's soul, with the help of many treats, scratches and bitemarks. One day she let me pick her up and with excitement she gave me a head butt :*D and when I tell you that was the purest love i had ever felt from a tiny creature, I cried. from that day every day was a headbutt from her even while playing video games. I will never forget those moments. I remember them always being close beside me when I was making candles in my tiny kitchen, just sitting there Supervising me, sometime i felt as if they wanted to tell me i was doing it all wrong LMFAO And that my friends is when we decided to start a business and how Two Cats & A MoM Candle Co. was created. 

     Mama Ray Passed away mid year 2021 but she is forever in our hearts Harvey and I. May we meet again one day under the Rainbow Bridge my little toe bean. We hope that you can enjoy our products and Please leave a review  :D